Fbwm Wiki


I created Sidekick scripts to run on the bonus delivery pages for each supported game. These are separate from the main WM script and so must be installed separately. Below are the install links for those Sidekicks: (also shown are N-th party sidekicks) Without the assistance of these Sidekicks, the main WM script cannot read info from it's child window (sidekick window), and so cannot determine if a bonus was collected or not. Specifically, many bonuses for FrontierVille and CafeWorld actually cannot be collected without a Sidekick. Other games automatically give you a bonus just for visiting the link.

Sidekick Dock

Sidekicks now contain all the Options Menu information and dock directly to the WM script when it is running. Sidekicks also contain the bonus definitions and english link text conversions.

Install Sidekicks

WM Host Script#||

Sidekicks #||

If one of these sidekicks is not yet updated for HTTPS support with the new facebook changes, let me know and I will attempt to update it and post a patch. Most of the sidekick developers have moved on, so common updates on these scripts are no longer coming.

Currently Down or Retired

  • If you used WM3.0 beta, please upgrade to WM3.1 standard.
  • If you used WM2.x before release of WM3.1 standard, and you intend to keep using it until it is totally dead, you can download and use it separately. However, WM3.1 standard has now overwritten the standard slot where WM2 once was.
  • If you used the CafeWorld or Hidden Chronicles Sidekick by Charlie Ewing, please migrate to the one listed by OysterGirl
  • If you used the Pioneer Trail sidekick by Charlie Ewing, please migrate to the one listed by Sbgm75.
  • If you used the Farmville Sidekick by DDM, please migrate to the one listed by Sbgm75.
  • WeirDave's ChefVille sidekick is now up to date. You can re-enable that script and delete or disable the patch by Charlie Ewing.

Please keep up to date all installed Sidekicks.

Sidekick Tutorial

You can now create your own Sidekicks for games you play. For many games, all you need are a few simple things like the link to a bonus, the game's app ID and to know what the bonus is. Keep in mind other games may be very hard to create sidekicks for. For a full explanation on how to make a Sidekick script, see this Sidekick Tutorial.
